I didn't feel much better at work so Friday I went to the health center. Yes, I had started wheezing pretty badly and the nurse said go home, you have pneumonia. I started on antibiotics and she gave me some cough syrup that makes me feel woozy. I have mostly been in bed and plan to be there most of the day.
Last week, one of the blogs had pictures of her looms for the new year and I took pictures of mine. Maybe at the half year I can up-date them and hopefully they will have something else on them!

My Big Mac has yardage, I was having trouble with the rhythm of the treadling and kept making mistakes, but I retied the treadles to give me a better "dance" and now I am doing better with the weaving.

The Baby Wolf is weaving heavy tea towels, they were supposed to be a house warming gift, but they will just have to be late. The pinks are a little out of my comfort zone, but they fit the woman I am weaving for.

The Baby Mac is working on the problem warp. The yarn is really too loosely spun for a warp, but I had wound this second warp before I realized the problems. I tried soaking it in gelatin, we will see if that makes any difference.

The Dorothy has a sampler for the Summer & Winter class I was teaching. I always need a warp on a portable loom to demonstrate on. Should I just take if off, or should I weave off the samples and have more for my class examples, or should I just weave it as narrow yardage and then see what happens?

The Rigid Heddle loom was supposed to be tests for finger manipulated lace. I have graphs for the pattern I want to test, but the loom just sits there in the corner.
After looking at these looms, I just feel tired. I will go back to bed and sleep. When I wake up I will feel better and in a few days I will be able to get back to weaving!!...
I also started to think about the bobbin lace pillows with unfinished projects and the knitting needles with unfinished projects and the spindles and spinning wheel with projects. If I took pictures of all the projects, I would really be overwhelmed!