My DH is doing much better, but there still are problems that we need to overcome. I hope his body is able to recover more as the time goes on. I still have the guilty feelings that I should have known or should have realized that there was serious problems, but I am getting better about it. One interesting side benefit is that he is upstairs with me all the time, we are talking more and reacting more like we did in France. That has to be good for our relationship!
I had two classes start this past week and they are both going great. I enjoyed spending some time with my Mom and "the Sisters" had our "Sister's Date". Once a month I meet with my sisters and we do various crafts. This month we talked about the up coming birthday party for Mom (it's her 90th!) and we planned a quilt.
Mom found some quilt blocks that she had done years ago, both pieced work and applique. We laid the blocks out and found an arrangement that we liked. Mom had some left over print fabrics and I think that we will be able to put a narrow band of the pink print between the blocks and use the other colors to make the border.
24 beautiful blocks |
Mom did such a great job on the blocks, the corners are cleanly done and the applique is beautiful. I love the "Sun Bonnet Girl", I will have to get a close up shot of her. I only took pictures of the lay out so that we could remember it.
One sister took the fabric to cut into strips, but she said that she was not sewing it. I figure that is our March Sister's date...bring sewing machines and work on the quilt top. We need to decide if we want the quilt machine quilted or hand quilted. I am leaning toward hand quilting because the blocks are so beautifully made. Mom knows someone that will do it for hire. None of the sisters want to hand quilt this big of a would take us years to complete!
And I emptied another loom...yeah. This was my table loom that stays at the Craft House studio. I was weaving the overshot samples that I showed last month. I finished several samplers that I will use as examples for my class.
Four samplers |
And I finished five examples of the overshot patterns. I have these patterns on handouts for my students and it is good to have examples of the design so that they can pick out which one they want to weave.
Five overshot patterns |
Wow I should have changed the tablecloth before I took the pictures. An indigo shibori pattern really makes a busy picture!
Last month, I won a guest towel on Susan's website, I was so excited and because it is my birthday this month, I decided that this towel will be a birthday gift to me. It is beautiful and feels so soft. It is a cotton/bamboo blend and the bamboo makes it "silky".
New Guest Towel..or Towel for ME! |
I love the beautiful detail on the hem, a double hemstitch and hem turned under. Susan does wonderful finishing on all her pieces and I get great ideas about how I can make my pieces look better.
Beautiful finishing really makes the piece. |
I continue to work on my bobbin lace edging when I watch TV, I am continually running out of thread on the bobbins. It is really time to be done with this linen thread. I am over three yards now, and there is still plenty of thread on the spool of linen, but it is a pain to constantly be adding bobbins.